Meet Isabella Saverino

Hey, hey, party people! Isabella (aka Izzy) in the house, bringing you all the scoop on the fabulousness that is me! 🌟 Hot pink and blue are my spirit colors, and I'm rocking the age of 11 with a sidekick puppy and two mini-me bros. Travel? Oh, it's my happy place – let's go on an adventure!

Guess what? I'm not just a regular cool kid; I'm CPR certified after acing a class in superhero maneuvers! 💪 Sweet, responsible, and a school superstar – that's me in a nutshell. Need a diaper-changing, nap-inducing wizard? I got you covered! House a bit messy? Doggy doo dilemma? Consider it handled – I'm the cleanup maestro!

Sports mania? You bet! Cheerleading, tumbling, volleyball, dance – I'm the captain of fun. Plus, my place is a kid's paradise with playsets, trampolines, tumble tracks, and a basement bursting with toys.

Give me the nod, and I'll turn babysitting into the ultimate playdate extravaganza for your kiddos! 🎉👶 Let's create some awesome memories together. Thanks a bunch for the opportunity! 🚀

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